If a salt spray test chamber is used for a long time without cleaning, dust will inevitably accumulate both inside and outside the equipment. Using the correct cleaning methods can make it look brand new and help maintain and enhance the efficiency of the device as well as the reliability of the tests.
Cleaning should be divided into two main parts: cleaning the salt spray test chamber and its components, and cleaning the surrounding environment. Cleaning the surrounding environment is relatively straightforward. Staff can simply use a vacuum cleaner to remove the dust. Cleaning the test equipment and its components, however, requires several steps:
External Cleaning: For the outer parts of the equipment that can be touched, if there is dust, staff should use a clean cloth or water to clean it.
Component Cleaning: If the equipment shows signs of aging or wear, components should be replaced promptly. If the components are still in good condition, they can be cleaned with a brush to remove the dust.
Internal Cleaning: After the test is completed, if there is oily water or residue in the inner chamber, saltwater tank, saturated bucket, or water seal, the accumulated water should be drained and the inner chamber should be cleaned thoroughly. Once cleaned, the equipment should be placed in an environment with suitable temperature and humidity. If the equipment is not going to be used frequently, the water in the saturated bucket should also be drained. When the equipment is used again, the water in the saturated bucket should be replaced regularly.
Nozzle Cleaning: The nozzles of the test equipment also need to be cleaned. If a nozzle is blocked, it should be removed and cleaned with a 1:1 solution of hydrochloric acid. A thin steel wire can also be used to unblock it. When using a steel wire, be careful not to damage the inner surface of the nozzle to avoid affecting the spray performance of the equipment.
Cleaning a salt spray test chamber requires careful attention to detail and the right level of cleaning. If cleaning is not thorough, dust will continue to accumulate, which may directly affect the test results in the long run. Therefore, cleaning should be taken seriously and not done carelessly. Want your equipment to run more smoothly? Then it’s time to give it a good cleaning!